Tough Love - A Candle with a Cause


Terrell's beloved Grandmama Alice was deeply affected by Alzheimer's, as are countless others. Alzheimer's is a progressive neurological disorder that impairs memory, thinking, and behavior, ultimately interfering with daily tasks and relationships. Inspired by the strength and resilience of those affected, we created the "Tough Love" candle—a symbol of support and compassion for this cause, which is very close to our hearts.

When we set out to create the "Tough Love" candle, we wanted to capture the essence of a grandmother's home—the warmth, comfort, and love that such a place embodies. We carefully selected scents that evoke cherished memories of Terrell's Grandmama Alice, combining dried floral, incense, and cashmere plum notes to create a sweet and bright fragrance that fills a room with love. This candle was crafted with immense care and intention, designed to embody the love and dedication we feel towards those battling Alzheimer's.

The "Tough Love" candle comes in a limited edition vessel in Alzheimer's purple, a color chosen to honor and raise awareness for the cause. This special edition is available only twice a year, in June and November, during Alzheimer's Awareness month, making it a meaningful and rare piece to own. A portion of the proceeds from every Limited Edition Purple "Tough Love" candle sold in June will be donated to the Alzheimer's Association, supporting their vital work in research and support services.

With every purchase, you'll not only fill your space with the captivating aroma of "Tough Love," but also contribute to the advancement of Alzheimer's research. It is our heartfelt mission to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families facing this challenging condition. By supporting this cause, you help provide hope and work towards a future where Alzheimer's is better understood, treated, and ultimately cured.

Join us in spreading awareness and extending a helping hand by lighting up your home with our "Tough Love" candle. Together, we can kindle hope, ignite change, and strive towards a brighter future for everyone impacted by Alzheimer's.